Alacat site map

This page lists all available URLs (including AJAX and debugging pages).


 View text/<results>/text/<subject>
Online viewer for ‵Qmenu‵.

Online viewer for Qmenu.

No form is supplied to select the results set or entity, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.

 View Qbrick/<results>/qbricks/<subject>
Online viewer for ‵Qbrick‵.

Online viewer for Qbrick.

No form is supplied to select the results set or entity, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.

 View Qconcat/<results>/qconcats/<subject>
Online viewer for ‵Qconcat‵.

Online viewer for Qconcat.

No form is supplied to select the results set or entity, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.

 View Column/<results>/columns/<subject>
Online viewer for ‵Column‵.

Online viewer for Column.

No form is supplied to select the results set or entity, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.

 View Qbrick/<results>/qpeptides/<subject>
Online viewer for ‵LinkedPeptide‵.

Online viewer for LinkedPeptide.

No form is supplied to select the results set or entity, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.

 View Peptide/<results>/peptides/<subject>
Online viewer for ‵Peptide‵.

Online viewer for Peptide.

No form is supplied to select the results set or entity, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.

 View Qblock/<results>/qblocks/<subject>
Online viewer for ‵Qblock‵.

Online viewer for Qblock.

No form is supplied to select the results set or entity, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.

 View Qmenu/<results>/qmenus/<subject>
Online viewer for ‵Qmenu‵.

Online viewer for Qmenu.

No form is supplied to select the results set or entity, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.

 View Handler/<results>/handlers/<subject>
Online viewer for ‵Handler‵.

Online viewer for Handler.

No form is supplied to select the results set or entity, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.

 View Protein/<results>/proteins/<subject>
Online viewer for ‵Protein‵.

Online viewer for Protein.

No form is supplied to select the results set or entity, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.


 Alacat site map/alacat/sitemap

This page lists all available URLs (including AJAX and debugging pages).


Returns to the server root.

 Report a bug/alacat/bug
Allows the user to report a bug.

Allows the user to report a bug.

The bug is recorded as for any other exception trace.

 Alacat about/alacat/about

Displays the application credits.


 Alacat main/alacat/

Main Alacat query submission screen.


Makes Alacat look like Consequence.


 Alacat model details/<results>/model
Shows the code necessary to define the pipeline parameters.

Shows the code necessary to define the pipeline parameters.

No form is supplied to select the result set, this parameter must be supplied by the caller.

 Scores table/<results>/tables/<table>
Shows the full table of scores.

Shows the full table of scores.

No form is supplied to select the results set or scores table, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.

 Final report/<results>/report
The final selection, presented as a table.

The final selection, presented as a table.

Most of the columns are obvious, the main ones of interest are "choice" and "warnings".

Qmenu, Qconcat, Qblock, Qbrick, Protein, Peptide

The selected entity. You can click through to see detailed information and compare to other entities.


"Choice" is a list of three values (for the peptide, the qbrick and the qconcat), showing who thinks they are a good idea: the user (u), the system (s) or system-equivalent (e).

In the final choice, "u" will always override "s", so we have these possibilities:

  • "u" is an entity that is in the input, but the software wouldn't have chosen by itself.
  • "su" is an entity that is in the input, and the software would also have chosen.
  • "eu" is an entity that is in the input, and the software wouldn't have have chosen, but that it thinks is an equally good choice.
  • "s" is where the input didn't contain a suggestion, so the system has chosen by itself.


"warnings" are the reasons the software doesn't like this peptide, qbrick, or qconcat.

These are the scores for the output columns, where the score is thought to be less-than ideal.

Each one is referenced by a short ID to the table below, but the IDs can be clicked to quickly get more information.

Implementation details

No form is supplied to select the result set, this parameter must be supplied by the caller.

 Compare peptides/<results>/compare
Compares the results from two or more entities.

Compares the results from two or more entities.

No form is supplied to select the results set or entities, these parameters must be supplied by the caller.

Shows the full list of proteins.

Shows the full list of proteins.

No form is supplied to select the result set, this parameter must be supplied by the caller.

Downloads the results.

Downloads the results.

No form is supplied to select the result set, this parameter must be supplied by the caller.

 Pipeline warnings/<results>/warnings
Shows warning messages that were issued during the course of the pipeline.

Shows warning messages that were issued during the course of the pipeline.

No form is supplied to select the result set, this parameter must be supplied by the caller.

 View cart/<results>/cart
Allows the user to view the flagged items and create a new model from them

Allows the user to view the flagged items and create a new model from them if desired.

The legacy name "cart" is sometimes used, which followed Uniprot's "protein cart" terminology, but that makes it sound like the user is buying something, and they're not.

Deletes the results.

Deletes the results.

No form is supplied to select the result set, this parameter must be supplied by the caller.

 Pipeline details/<results>/pipeline
Shows the technical information associated with executing a pipeline.

Shows the technical information associated with executing a pipeline.

No form is supplied to select the result set, this parameter must be supplied by the caller.

 Model index/<results>/index
The main results screen shown after executing the pipeline.

The main results screen shown after executing the pipeline.

No form is supplied to select the result set, this parameter must be supplied by the caller.

Shows all the entities present in a pipeline.

Shows all the entities present in a pipeline.

No form is supplied to select the result set, this parameter must be supplied by the caller.

 View log/<results>/log
Shows the logs recorded during pipeline execution.

Shows the logs recorded during pipeline execution.

This page can be viewed during the pipeline execution itself, though requires a manual refresh in order to update.


 Add to cart/alacat/add_to_cart
Handles add-to-cart AJAX requests.

Handles add-to-cart AJAX requests.

The parameters must be supplied by the caller:

  • The result set ID
  • The subject ID
  • Whether to add or remove the subject
Displays the status of a specified task.

Displays the status of a specified task.

Note that the task ID is obtained from either the GET parameter, "task" or the routing argument of the same name.

TASK_ROUTE_ARG:GET data field used to access the task ID
TASK_MESSAGE_META_DATA_FIELD:If this optional field may be present in the task's meta-data The value should be an instance of TaskMessageMetaData.


Logs the user out on visit.

Logs the user out on visit.

Implementation details

The derived class should implement __view__. Nothing else is required, this class logs out the current user via a call to HatmulProtocol.login and then redirects to the login page.


 New user/alacat/new_user
Allows the user to log in.

Allows the user to log in.

Implementation details

The derived class should implement __view__, as well as the abstract methods, which register the actual user. The HatmulProtocol.login is then (optionally) used to perform the actual login.


Make sure to specify POST in the __view__!

Allows the user to log in.

Allows the user to log in.

Implementation details

The derived class must expose the __view__ field.

Nothing else is required, the form calls HatmulProtocol.login when a login is attempted.


A screen that does not expect a submit, i.e. there is only an ‵on_call‵ but

A screen that does not expect a submit, i.e. there is only an on_call but no on_response.


The class is a derivative of CallResponseScreen for simplicity, however on_response is never called. The page may still pass and process its own GET data.